Sabun Susu Beras (per Buku)
Posted on 08:08 // 0 comments
Sabun Kecantikan ni untuk mencerahkan kulit wajah/badan dari kesan-kesan gelap. 100% ORI dari susu beras dengan haruman semula jadi. Sabun yg lembut dgn buih yang sgt halus & menjadikan kulit lebih putih, lebih cerah, cantik & gebu sehalus kulit bayi.
Active Ingredients: Rice Milk Extract, Vitamin B3, Vitamin E, Olive oil, Palm Oil & Natural Glycerin.
SILA HUBUNGI SAYA melalui EMAIL atau panggilan / SMS 0146740207 untuk urusan pembayaran melalui pindahan wang bank dalam negeri. Sebarang diskaun untuk harga borong juga boleh dirunding kepada sesiapa yang benar-benar berminat sahaja.
PLEASE CONTACT ME via EMAIL or call/ SMS +60146740207 for payment via local bank transfer in Malaysia. Wholesale price is also negotiable for those genuinely interested.
DISCLAIMER: The information presented on this page is offered for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as personal medical advice, nor implied that the said product has any medical values whatsoever. You should consult with your personal physician/care giver regarding your own medical care. It is assumed that you agreed that the purchasing the above product is based on the caveat emptor.
Sabun Susu Beras (per Buku)
Sabun Kecantikan ni untuk mencerahkan kulit wajah/badan dari kesan-kesan gelap. 100% ORI dari susu beras dengan haruman semula jadi. Sabun yg lembut dgn buih yang sgt halus & menjadikan kulit lebih putih, lebih cerah, cantik & gebu sehalus kulit bayi.
Active Ingredients: Rice Milk Extract, Vitamin B3, Vitamin E, Olive oil, Palm Oil & Natural Glycerin.
SILA HUBUNGI SAYA melalui EMAIL atau panggilan / SMS 0146740207 untuk urusan pembayaran melalui pindahan wang bank dalam negeri. Sebarang diskaun untuk harga borong juga boleh dirunding kepada sesiapa yang benar-benar berminat sahaja.
PLEASE CONTACT ME via EMAIL or call/ SMS +60146740207 for payment via local bank transfer in Malaysia. Wholesale price is also negotiable for those genuinely interested.
DISCLAIMER: The information presented on this page is offered for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as personal medical advice, nor implied that the said product has any medical values whatsoever. You should consult with your personal physician/care giver regarding your own medical care. It is assumed that you agreed that the purchasing the above product is based on the caveat emptor.
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